- Profile
- Vision & Mission
Vision & Mission
"Building an Agrotechnology Department with an international reputation in the development and application of agrotechnology that supports sustainable agriculture based on Islamic values by 2030"
- Organizing Agrotechnology Education and Teaching that supports sustainable agriculture and is in line with the needs of stakeholders and national development
- Carrying out science and technology research and development in the field of horticulture that supports sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture based on Islamic value
- Organizing community service in the field of agrotechnology that supports sustainable agriculture based on science and technology and local ecosystems
- Carrying out and collaborating with national and ASEAN institutions to strengthen the implementation of education, research and community service
- Producing graduates in the field of agrotechnology professionally and adaptively according to the needs of the industrial, business and work world.
- Producing research in the field of agrotechnology based on integrated, environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture which is published globally
- Producing community service to disseminate applied technology in the field of agrotechnology based on integrated, environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture to improve community welfare
- Carrying out collaboration with various related parties at national, regional and international levels
- Realizing governance of the Agrotechnology study program that is transparent, accountable and Islamic.