

The Final Project at FPP consists of three paths, namely:

  1. Regular: Final Project in the form of a Thesis
  2. Recognition: Recognition of scientific publication activities, entrepreneurship, and student achievements
  3. MBKM: Scientific work from research results, entrepreneurial activities, internships, and independent studies

Students' final assignments are completed with the presentation of a final report (trial), whether regular, MBKM, or recognition unless it has been stipulated in the guidebook or related documents that the final assignment does not require a trial exam. After holding the trial, students carry out a judicium and take transcripts and diplomas. The procedures for submitting a trial, and obtaining diplomas and transcripts can be seen in the following scheme:



FPP students' final assignments via the regular can be completed through a thesis, where the thesis is 6 credits. The process of working on a thesis starts from submitting/registering the title, data collection, and mentoring process to judicial registration. The entire series of this thesis is integrated into the Final Project Management Information System (SIMTA).


Recognition/recognition of student final assignments is held to support university policies with the existence of UMM Pasti. With the equivalent conversion of student work, it is hoped that students will be more motivated to achieve achievements while undergoing lecture activities at the UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, both in the Publication, Entrepreneurship, and Reasoning pathways. Further explanation regarding the recognition of this final assignment is further regulated in the FPP Equivalence SOP. 


  1. Student exchange. Student Exchange is a learning activity carried out by students in study programs outside their original study program. This student exchange activity can be carried out using the credit transfer method. Students can take credit transfer to other study programs at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, in the same study program, or different study programs at other universities in Indonesia or abroad.
  2. Internship/Practice. Internship/work practice is a 1-2 semester activity in industry or the professional world to further optimize industrial and professional experience and competence for students. With the approval of the academic supervisor (DPA), students register/apply and take part in the internship selection according to the provisions of the internship location, then carry out internship activities according to the direction of the supervisor and internship supervisor, fill in the logbook, and prepare an activity report and present it to the supervisor and supervisor.
  3. Teaching Assistance in Education Units (AMSP). AMSP is an academic activity for students to have learning experiences that can help teachers improve the quality of learning in educational units, both in formal, non-formal, and informal channels at every level and type of education. Students who program AMSP must register and take part in the selection to carry out AMSP activities under the guidance of lecturers and field supervisors, fill out a logbook, prepare activity reports, and present them
  4. Research/Research. For students who have an interest in becoming researchers, independent learning can be realized in the form of research activities in research institutions, study centers, laboratories, and industry. Through research, students can develop critical thinking so that they can deepen, understand, and be able to carry out research methods better. MBKM research can be carried out by students through internship activities in the research center laboratory for 1 semester with a credit weight of ≤20 or 2 semesters with a weight of ≤40 credits
  5. Humanity Project. Students with a youthful spirit, scientific competence, and interest in humanitarian services can build character for disaster/development emergency response through this program. Students who take part in this program must register or propose to take part in a humanitarian program with DPA approval, carry out humanitarian project (volunteer) activities under the guidance of supervisors and field mentors, fill out a logbook, and prepare activity reports and submit reports in the form of publications or presentations
  6. Entrepreneurial Activities. UMM students during their study period are facilitated to develop entrepreneurial activities (KWU) independently, as evidenced by the preparation and explanation of KWU reports with evidence of business transactions with stakeholders, consumers and employee salaries. This activity must be guided by a lecturer. With DPA approval, students register for the MBKM entrepreneurship program in the study program, are supervised by an incubation center or entrepreneurship mentor, prepare proposals for entrepreneurial activities, carry out activities under the guidance of lecturers/mentors, and submit the results of activities (reports) in the form of presentations and participate in entrepreneurship festivals
  7. Independent Study/Project. Independent projects allow students to find solutions to current problems according to their interests and scientific fields. Independent projects can be produced from ideas or innovations obtained from competitions, studies, research, or community service. Faculties and Study Programs can conduct independent studies to cover topics that are not included in the lecture schedule but are still available in the study program or faculty syllabus. Independent project activities can be carried out in the form of group work across scientific disciplines by producing products or participating in national or international competitions.
  8. Building Thematic Villages/KKN. Student Community Service (PMM) MBKM with an implementation duration of 6 months with a weight equivalent to ≤20 credits including attending lectures outside the Study Program or the University and writing down the activities during the PMM along with the results as a final thesis. PMM activities can take the form of creation, assistance, counseling, application, design, and appropriate technology training carried out by groups in one field of study or across study programs. Students are required to stay at the designated location, then report the process and results of activities to the University.

Further information regarding the implementation of final assignments, seminar proposals, submission of trials, conduct of trials, and so on can be seen in the Final Assignment Guidebook | Download  



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