2024/12/12 15:17:40
The Agronomy Laboratory has developed into several laboratories that support practicum activities, research, production activities, extension services, training services and analysis services; consists of the Climatology Laboratory, the Genetics Laboratory, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology and the Plant Protection Laboratory
The Climatology Laboratory is located at the UMM Agricultural Experimental Garden as a means for practicum activities, research, and providing climate data. The Climatology Laboratory is a Climatology Station and is equipped with a Weather Station, a weather monitoring tool (solar radiation, intensity, temperature, wind, rain, humidity, and evapotranspiration) that works with a computerized system. Data analysis is done by computer and the data can be sent via the internet, as well as linked with the international weather station system. This laboratory is also equipped with devices for observing the microclimate around plantations.
The Genetics, Plant Breeding, and Seed Technology Laboratory is a laboratory for practical and research activities in the fields of genetics, plant breeding, and seed technology as well as facilities for producing superior seeds. This laboratory is equipped with equipment for chromosome duplication mutation activities, plant hybridization, germination analysis, seed testing, identification of seed pests, seed certification, and seed storage, as well as plant chromosome testing.
The Plant Protection Laboratory provides practicums, research, identification and analysis services for pests and services to the general public in the form of counseling and training to control plant pests (Agricultural Clinic). The Plant Protection Laboratory is equipped with equipment for observing pests and plant diseases, predicting pest and plant disease attacks, as well as machine sprayers for controlling pests and plant diseases. This laboratory also provides various biological pesticide products or antagonistic microbes.
The Soil Laboratory provides practicums, research and nutrient analysis and soil testing services. The equipment owned includes practical equipment for the basics of soil science, soil fertility, as well as equipment for physical, chemical and biological analysis of soil. This laboratory also develops and produces biofertilizers and decomposer microbes (microbes to accelerate the decomposition/fermentation of organic materials in the process of making organic fertilizer).