Courses Curriculum 2021-Now

Curriculum evaluation is carried out periodically once a year to see the linearity of the LO, curriculum and graduate profile. Curriculum evaluation is carried out through in-depth discussions regarding course composition, inter-departmental courses, final assignments and the contribution of courses to learning outcomes and targeted competencies. Curriculum evaluation is carried out by involving and collecting input from internal departments (Head of Department, teaching staff, academic staff, and students) and external stakeholders (industry partners, universities, government, alumni, and professional associations). Procedures for Preparing Graduate Profiles, LOs, and Curriculum as in the image below:

Learning Outcomes

  1. Producing reputable human resources in the field of agrotechnology who can develop science and technology in the field of horticulture based on sustainable agriculture
  2. Publishing scientific work on the development of science and technology in the field of agrotechnology that supports sustainable agriculture based on local ecosystems and Islamic values
  3. Producing and disseminating applied technology in the field of agrotechnology based on sustainable agriculture to improve community welfare
  4. Collaborating with various users (stakeholders) and related institutions both at the national and ASEAN levels to develop science and technology in the field of Agrotechnology

OBE (Outcome Based Education) Curriculum

Outcome Based Education (OBE) is a learning method that focuses on learning outcomes or achievements. This method focuses on achieving specified outcomes (knowledge, abilities, and results-oriented behavior). In principle, OBE can ensure constructive harmony between graduate profiles, Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL), course learning outcomes, learning methods, and assessment methods. In the odd semester of 2021, the Agrotechnology Study Program, at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) implemented Outcome Based Education where the minimum number of credits that must be taken during the study is 144 credits. The distribution of the UMM Agrotechnology curriculum is as follows:


Semester Course / Module  Credit Points Conversion to ECTS Module
I Civics 2 3,0 Download
Pancasila 2 3,0 Download
Faith and Humanity  1 1,5 Download
Productive Skills of ESP  2 3,0 Download
Agricultural Biology 3 4,5 Download
Innovative Agrocomplex  2 3,0 Download
Bahasa Indonesia  2 3,0 Download
Integrated Natural Sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Mathematics 2 3,0 Download
Agronomic: Development, Growth, and Propagation 3 4,5 Download
Total  19 29  


Semester Course / Module  Credit Points Conversion to ECTS Module
II Entrepreneurship  2 3,0 Download
Worship and Mu'amalah  1 1,5 Download
Receptive Skill of ESP 2 3,0 Download
Plant Biochemistry 3 4,5 Download
Plant Physiology 3 4,5 Download
Agroclimatology  3 4,5 Download
Identification of Pest Organisms 3 4,5 Download
Computer Application  2 3,0 Download
Soil Science 3 4,5 Download
Total  22 33,0  


Semester Course / Module  Credit Points Conversion to ECTS Module
III Kemuhammadiyahan  1 1,5 Download
Genetics 3 4,5 Download
Horticultural Plant Business Incubation 2 3,0 Download
Statistics 2 3,0 Download
Microbiology and Organic Agriculture 3 4,5 Download
In-Vitro Culture  3 4,5 Download
Plant Protection Management 3 4,5 Download
Horticultural Crop Management  3 4,5 Download
Total  19 28,5  


Semester Course / Module  Credit Points Conversion to ECTS Module
IV Seed Technology  3,0 4,5 Download
Islam dan IPTEKS  1,0 1,5 Download
Agricultural Mecanization  3,0 4,5 Download
Plant Breeding 3,0 4,5 Download
Experimental Design  3,0 4,5 Download
Crop Business Incubation  2,0 3,0 Download
Agricultural Biotechnology 3,0 4,5 Download
Analysis of Land Suitability and Soil Fertility  3,0 4,5 Download
Management of Crop Production  3,0 4,5 Download
Total  24,0 36  


Semester Course / Module  Credit Points Conversion to ECTS Module
V Post Harvest Management  3,0 4,5 Download
Landscape 3,0 4,5 Download
Agronomic Research Method  3,0 4,5 Download
Industrial Plantation Management  3,0 4,5 Download
Urban Agriculture  3,0 4,5 Download
Seed Production  3,0 4,5 Download
Smart and Precision Agriculture 3,0 4,5 Download
Total  21,0 31,5  


Semester Course / Module  Credit Points Conversion to ECTS Module
VI Pesticide and Biological Fertilizer Production * 3,0 4,5 Download
Plant Growth Analysis  3,0 4,5 Download
Agro e-commerce  3,0 4,5 Download
Applied Plant Breeding **  3,0 4,5 Download
Product Development and Seed Market **  3,0 4,5 Download
Seed Processing **  3,0 4,5 Download
Seed Commerce **  3,0 4,5 Download
Seed Resource Management **  3,0 4,5 Download
Seed Production Company Orientation **  2,0 3,0 Download
Seed Production Technique **  3,0 4,5 Download
Writing and Publication of Scientific Papers  2,0 3,0 Download
Agricultural Waste Bioconversion * 3,0 4,5 Download
Agro-Industry Business  4,0 6,0 Download
Statistics Application * 3,0 4,5 Download
Horticultural Production Management II * 3,0 4,5 Download
Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture *  2,0 3,0 Download
Agricultural Waste Management * 2,0 3,0 Download
Marginal Land Management *  2,0 3,0 Download
Digital Technique in Agronomy *  2,0 3,0 Download
Total  Max 24 MAX 36  


Semester Course / Module  Credit Points Conversion to ECTS Module
VII Seed Industry Profession Incubation **  4,0 6,0 Download
PMM: Seed Industry Colleagues Farmers **  4,0 6,0 Download
Vegetable Seed Production Business Partner **  3,0 4,5 Download
Fruit Seed Production Business Partner **  3,0 4,5 Download
Seed Industry Professional Internship **  6,0 9,0 Download
Community Service by Students (PMM) 4,0 6,0 Download
Internship 4,0 6,0 Download
Total  Max 24 MAX 36  


Semester Course / Module  Credit Points Conversion to ECTS Module
VIII Bachelor's Thesis 6,0 9,0 Download
Total  6,0 9,0  


* Elective
** CoE Course



Sequence of Agrotechnology Department 

More information about Curriculum Overview 


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