Laboratory Equipment Training at SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Lamongan

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 01:38 WIB

Lamongan June 2023. The Agrotechnology Study Program University of Malang Muhammadiyah (UMM) held socialization at SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Lamongan, East Java. The socialization event and the Agrotechnology study program were attended by three lecturers from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang and students and teachers from the school. In addition, on this occasion, training was also conducted on the use of modern agricultural equipment, such as soil fertilizer testing, chlorophyll meters, digital fruit penetrometers, and instruments for measuring seed moisture content and measuring soil moisture and temperature.

The Agrotechnology study program socialization event aims to provide information to students regarding this field of study and career opportunities that can be followed after graduation. In this socialization, three lecturers from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang gave in-depth explanations about the curriculum, courses, and job opportunities that graduates of the Agrotechnology study program could participate in.

Apart from outreach, the event also involved training on the use of modern agricultural tools that can support agrotechnology activities. Students and teachers are given the opportunity to learn how to use tools such as soil fertilizer testing, chlorophyll meters, digital fruit penetrometers, instruments for measuring seed moisture content and measuring soil moisture and temperature. This training was held with the aim that students have practical knowledge and skills in using these tools in agricultural activities.

"The socialization of the Agrotechnology study program and training on the use of agricultural tools at SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Lamongan is an advantageous event for our students. With this socialization, students get a clear picture of the Agrotechnology study program and the career opportunities they can take part in. in the future. Training in using agricultural tools also provides them with invaluable practical skills. We are grateful to the three lecturers from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang who have imparted valuable knowledge and experience to our students." Said one of the teachers from the SMK.

The presence of three lecturers from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in this event is an added value that enriches students' knowledge regarding the field of agrotechnology. The lecturers provide material with clear explanations and are easily understood by students. They also answered questions and discussed enthusiastically with event participants. This provides valuable experience for students in getting to know the world of agrotechnology and broadens their horizons about career opportunities in this field.

Head of the UMM Agrotechnology Study Program, Agus Zainudin said "We are very pleased to be involved in the socialization of the Agrotechnology study program and training in the use of agricultural tools at SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Lamongan. This event gives us the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences with students who are interested in the field of Agrotechnology. Seeing their enthusiasm and interest during the event, we believe they have great potential to develop themselves in this field. We hope that through this event, students can gain a deeper understanding of agrotechnology and be able to apply the knowledge and skills they have they get in the future."

By holding the socialization of the Agrotechnology study program and training on the use of agricultural tools at SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Lamongan, it is hoped that students will have a better understanding of the field of agrotechnology and can consider continuing their studies in this study program in tertiary institutions. In addition, training in the use of modern agricultural tools also provides practical skills that can be useful for students in facing the world of work in the future.
