Agrotechnology study program gathering with new students in 2024

Monday, September 23, 2024 02:32 WIB

Malang, At the beginning of the odd semester of the 2024 academic year, the Agrotechnology Study Program of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a gathering event with new students. This event occurred on Saturday, September 21, 2024, in the 3rd floor of the UMM Library Hall, which lecturers and all new students attended. This activity is an important moment for new students to get to know the Agrotechnology Study Program better while strengthening relations between academics in the Agrotechnology Study Program.

In his remarks, the Head of the Agrotechnology Study Program introduced the latest curriculum designed to face the challenges of the modern agricultural world. This curriculum is designed for industry needs and technological developments in the field of agrotechnology so that students can obtain relevant competencies. In addition, the lecturers of the study program who were present also introduced themselves and provided an overview of the various academic and non-academic activities that students can participate in.

Not only that, students were also introduced to various scholarship opportunities that they could take advantage of while studying at UMM. The UMM Agrotechnology study program continues to encourage students to excel, both in academic and non-academic fields. The various achievements that have been achieved by students and lecturers are proof of the study program's commitment to producing superior and competitive graduates.

This event also became an introduction to the Center of Excellence (CoE)'s flagship program in the field of Seeds and Pesticides, which is the pride of the UMM Agrotechnology Study Program. This CoE program offers opportunities for students to be involved in research and development of innovations in the agricultural sector, which are expected to make a real contribution to Indonesian agriculture. With new enthusiasm, new students are ready to begin their academic journey at the UMM Agrotechnology Study Program.
