UMM Agrotechnology Webinar Discusses Downstreaming of Agricultural Breeding Results for the Advancement of Indonesian Farmers

Tuesday, October 08, 2024 02:45 WIB

Malang, October 8, 2024 – The Agrotechnology Study Program of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) successfully held a webinar entitled "Finding Common Ground for Downstream/Commercialization of Agricultural Breeding Results for the Benefit of Indonesian Farmers" on Tuesday (8/10). This event was attended by 480 participants from various backgrounds, including academics, researchers, plant breeders, seed industry players, and students from all over Indonesia.

This webinar presented leading experts in the field of plant breeding, including:

  1. Prof. Bunyamin Tar'an, Ph.D., Professor at the University of Saskatchewan.
  2. Puji Lestari, SP., MSi., Ph.D., Head of the Agricultural and Food Research Organization.
  3. Moh. Aris, MP., General Chairperson of the Horticultural Seed Producers Association.
  4. Prof. Ir. Totok Agung Dwi Haryanto, M.P., Ph.D., Professor at Jenderal Sudirman University.
  5. Prof. Dr. Sumarno, M.Sc., Deputy Senior Breeder.

The event was officially opened by UMM Vice Rector IV, Research, Community Service, and Cooperation, Muhamad Salis Yuniardi, M.Psi., Ph.D., who in his speech emphasized the importance of synergy between plant breeding research and the commercial sector. "We need to build a bridge between the laboratory and the field so that farmers in Indonesia can directly feel the results of breeding research," he said.

Muhammad Syukur, Head of the Indonesian Breeding Science Association (PERIPI), was also present at the event and provided views on the potential for developing superior seeds to increase farmer productivity and welfare.

The discussion session was interactive, discussing the challenges and opportunities for downstream plant breeding results, including the role of industry in supporting the commercialization of research innovations. The speakers shared their experiences and knowledge about strategic steps that need to be taken so that breeding products can be commercialized and positively impact the Indonesian agricultural sector.

Through this webinar, it is hoped that there will be closer collaboration between academics, researchers, and industry to advance the agricultural sector in Indonesia, especially in strengthening the downstream and commercialization of superior seeds.
